...a designer resale boutique
Musi's On Main will donate any clothes that do not sell and are not picked up to Gung Ho Ministries. Gung Ho Ministries (GHM) is a recognized non-profit organization that was founded right here in Tigard by Tanya Hawkins. In 2017, Tanya opened the Gung Ho Ministries Boutique in Beaverton, where you can drop off donations of usable clothing, jewelry and accessories. All donations are processed and are either displayed for sale at the boutique or forwarded to Dress For Success Oregon, a non-profit organization that has been helping low-income women successfully transition back into the workforce. Appropriate warm clothing is given to the Union Gospel Mission for distribution to homeless individuals living in Portland. The income from the boutique is used to provide financial assistance to our Veterans in need with things such as: housing costs, utilities, medical expenses, etc. GHM has already helped generate over $210,000 in financial assistance since 2012, with over $64,000 of that coming from the GHM Boutitue’s first full year in Beaverton!
Tanya Hawkins, founder of Gung Ho Ministries
Open today | 10:00 am – 04:00 pm |